The World is OUR Parish

The World is OUR Parish By the Rev. Ronald Myers | Photos by Jesse N. Love, et. al. He has told you, O mortal, what is...

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice By Janjay Innis | Photos by Yvonne Agduyeng Janjay Innis is a Global Mission Fellow and serves...

Video: Get to know a Dreamer

Jose Enrique Hernandez is a member of Dios Viviente United Methodist Church in Seattle and a 'Dreamer.' In this video, Jose reflects on what the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program means for him and his friends and family.

An Identity Crisis

General Crisis 2012: Am I a part of a “conflict-religion?” | By Jesse N. Love Recently, I was updating my Facebook account, specifically under the...

Peace with Justice Program Seeks Grant Proposals

ANNOUNCING: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Grants are being offered by the PNW Conference's Church and Society Action Team Peace with Justice program in support of programs...

A Reflection on the Young Clergy Leadership Forum

Article and Photos by Rev. John Wang It was an honor to represent the Pacific Northwest Conference at the Young Clergy Leadership Forum 2017 in Washington, D.C....

8 ways Churches can respond to the separation of asylum-seeking families: Choose (at least)...

Sharing how she can get "overwhelmed by feelings of anger and sadness" as she hears the stories of families who were separated as they entered the US, Rev. Lyda Pierce reminds us of the importance of action in countering such feelings. She also shares a new toolkit with 8 ways faith communities can respond.

How can people of faith confront prejudice? Jesus paused.

By Kristina Gonzalez | Director of Leadership Development for an Inclusive Church If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is...

Project Transformation fills the gap when school doesn’t start

Project Transformation: Pacific Northwest, an educational ministry of The United Methodist Church, has stepped in to provide food, fun and fellowship during teacher contract negotiations in Clark County, Washington.

Some difficult questions about church staffing…

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries "The Department of Labor (DOL) announced its changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act...