United Methodist bishops, social-justice agency welcome step forward on immigration reform

Bishops Minerva Carcano and John Schol are front and center carrying the UMW banner at a demonstration for immigrant rights in downtown St. Louis. A...

UMs hold more than 250 Family Unity Prayer Vigils so far

People celebrate the Posada Without Borders at El Faro Park in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border fence from San Diego. A UMNS photo by...

Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017

What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...

Sanctuary: A New Hope

By Rev. Lyda Pierce | Director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries “When a foreigner lives with you in your land, don’t take advantage of him. Treat the foreigner...

Become an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation

Sign in front of the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Noel Andersen) By the Rev. Noel Andersen* Congregations across the United States are embarking...

Immigration Ministry This Month

The arrival of 200 immigrants to the Federal Detention Center in SeaTac, extreme enforcement which separates children from parents, and House Speaker Paul Ryan's announcement of immigration debate offers us new incentive this month to educate, speak out, and organize on behalf of our neighbors.

Immigration Call to Action

Scenes from a protest at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash. in 2014.   Immigration Call to Action By Pastor Lorellen Nausner | Photos by Jesse...

Obama leadership on immigration reform welcomed by United Methodist social-justice agency, bishop

People celebrate the Posada Without Borders at El Faro Park in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border fence from San Diego. A UMNS photo by...

Word from Winkler — A significant couple of weeks

UMNS photo of The United Methodist Board of Church and Society's decorated tent on the National Mall by Kathy L. Gilbert. By Jim Winkler, General...

United Methodist justice agency calls Senate immigration bill inadequate

People celebrate the Posada Without Borders at El Faro Park in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border fence from San Diego. A UMNS photo by...