Immigration: Statement from UMs on S.744

Photos in collage courtesy of Wikipedia and their respective authors. United Methodist Bishops, Church Agencies, and Conference Teams Statement on S.744 The Border Security, Economic...

Pro-Immigrant Churches to Turn Over Tables in front of Tukwila I.C.E. headquarters

Immigrant voices will be at the center of the Table Turning action planned for Monday, March 26th in front of the in front of I.C.E. headquarters in Tukwila, Wash. The action, sponsored locally by Valley and Mountain, will include a ceremonial re-enactment of the “Revolutionary Jesus” turning over the tables of the money changers.

Statement in Support of Ministry with Detained & Separated Families

The Western Jurisdiction Immigration Task Force’s mission is to help equip our Annual Conferences to be in ministry with their immigrant and migrant neighbors.At...

Hispanic caucus urges advocacy on immigration issue

In July 2012, members from the Western Jurisdictional Conference took a tour on the southern edge of San Diego area close to the Mexican...

GNW Methodist Early Response Teams join in NC flood relief efforts

A few UMVIM Early Response Team members from Washington and Oregon visited North Carolina to help the clean-up of flood-damaged homes from November 9 to...

UMNS: Home for Christmas? Not for border families

By Amanda M. Bachus* “Why do you cry?” I ask Nancy, a young woman who sits on a ledge, at El Faro, a small Tijuana...

2013 Legislative Priorities

Immigration reform, reducing gun violence, ‘moral federal budget,’ combating human trafficking targeted by Wayne Rhodes, Editor, Faith in Action on February 19, 2013 WASHINGTON, D.C. —...

Spokane Valley UMC & UMW: Intercept Human Trafficking

  By Madelyn Bafus Spokane Valley United Methodist Church and its United Methodist Women participated in the Intercept Human Trafficking Photo Campaign. “We at Spokane Valley take very...

Can you Imagine being separated from your family?

By Libby Marie Hall Do you remember that early 70s song Imagine? Please take a moment and listen to this song from John Lennon.  This...

A Crazy, Faithful Way to Meet Angels

Rev. Lyda Pierce, director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Conference, encourages local churches to celebrate Global Migration Sunday on December 3rd, the first Sunday of Advent. The Sunday could also be a good opportunity to prioritize the important work of relationship building.