Lenten stories of “Pain and Hope” recognize diversity within

Dr. Jamal Gabobe (second from left) enjoys the soup supper before his presentation about Somalia and his life as a Somali immigrant to the...

UMNS: Home for Christmas? Not for border families

By Amanda M. Bachus* “Why do you cry?” I ask Nancy, a young woman who sits on a ledge, at El Faro, a small Tijuana...

8 ways Churches can respond to the separation of asylum-seeking families: Choose (at least)...

Sharing how she can get "overwhelmed by feelings of anger and sadness" as she hears the stories of families who were separated as they entered the US, Rev. Lyda Pierce reminds us of the importance of action in countering such feelings. She also shares a new toolkit with 8 ways faith communities can respond.

Immigration Crisis along the Border: UMCOR’s response

Brief by Denise Honeycutt, Deputy General Secretary of the United Methodist Committee on Relief The current immigration crisis involving  adults, accompanied minors, and unaccompanied minors...

What does it mean to “take up your cross and follow me”?

By Pastor Lyn Rush Lyn Rush serves Pinoy Van-Port Ministries in Vancouver, Wash. This new church start serves Filipino Americans and immigrants with a keen...

United Methodist bishops, social-justice agency welcome step forward on immigration reform

Bishops Minerva Carcano and John Schol are front and center carrying the UMW banner at a demonstration for immigrant rights in downtown St. Louis. A...

A Sunday of Solidarity for Suffering Children | Sunday, June 30

In light of the recent news about children in U.S. government holding facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border, the United Methodist Committee on Relief has...

United Methodist justice agency calls Senate immigration bill inadequate

People celebrate the Posada Without Borders at El Faro Park in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border fence from San Diego. A UMNS photo by...

An Immigration Vigil at #UMCGC

Article by Pam Brokaw | Video by Rev. David Valera May 13, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. United Methodists were encouraged by Los Angeles Area Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño to...

Immigration Ministry This Month

The arrival of 200 immigrants to the Federal Detention Center in SeaTac, extreme enforcement which separates children from parents, and House Speaker Paul Ryan's announcement of immigration debate offers us new incentive this month to educate, speak out, and organize on behalf of our neighbors.