Japanese American United Methodists offer support of immigrants, reminder of history

In response to escalating attacks on immigrants to the United States, Japanese American United Methodists are finding ways to offer their support for immigrants. As Sasha Terry shares, many also see echos today of the racist acts that led to the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II.

We all come from Africa

Rev. Lyda Pierce, director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Conference, shares this moving poem that touches on themes of migration, shared experience, faith, and empathy.

Where are the Refugees?

Rev. Lyda Pierce, director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Conference, asks a hard question. "In a time of such great need [a record 22.5 million refugees globally], why are so few of these refugees arriving in this country?" She also invites her fellow United Methodists to lift up their voice during a National Call-in Day on Wed., March 28.

Lenten stories of “Pain and Hope” recognize diversity within

Dr. Jamal Gabobe (second from left) enjoys the soup supper before his presentation about Somalia and his life as a Somali immigrant to the...

As Senate debates DACA fate, United Methodists encouraged to speak up for Dreamers

By the Rev. Lyda Pierce The General Board of Church and Society is encouraging all United Methodists to contact their senators and congressional representatives urging...

A Reflection on the Film “Documented”

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas (center) presented his film "Documented" in Seattle's Wing Luke Museum on October 18, 2014. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn5NoK7fM_Q&w=560&h=315] A Hispanic Happenings Reflection...

US and Mexico Faith and Community Leaders Visiting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Temporary Holding Facility...

McAllen, TX - As the Obama Administration prepares to fast-track the deportation of these unaccompanied migrant children against public opinion (Reuters/Ipsos poll), faith...

United Methodist justice agency calls Senate immigration bill inadequate

People celebrate the Posada Without Borders at El Faro Park in Tijuana, Mexico, across the border fence from San Diego. A UMNS photo by...

Can you Imagine being separated from your family?

By Libby Marie Hall Do you remember that early 70s song Imagine? Please take a moment and listen to this song from John Lennon.  This...

8 ways Churches can respond to the separation of asylum-seeking families: Choose (at least)...

Sharing how she can get "overwhelmed by feelings of anger and sadness" as she hears the stories of families who were separated as they entered the US, Rev. Lyda Pierce reminds us of the importance of action in countering such feelings. She also shares a new toolkit with 8 ways faith communities can respond.