PNW Delegation

Articles and commentary on or about the Pacific Northwest Conference’s delegation to the General and Western Jurisdictional Conference. #UMCGC #WJUMC

PNW delegates share their hopes for General Conference 2016

Marie Kuch-Stanovsky, Joan Holms, Megan Ernst Kilpatrick, Dave Reinholz, Amanda Tobey, the Rev. David Nieda, Austin Adkinson, Kay C. Barckley, the Rev. Monica Corsaro,...
The Book of Discipline, 2008

Guaranteed No More

This morning General Conference voted to strike language in the discipline guaranteeing appointments for “all elders in full connection who are in good standing.” The...

How do you discern and not just decide? #UMCGC #GC2019

"How do you discern and not just decide?" PNW Clergy delegate to #UMCGC Rev. Mary Huycke offers some insight into how she addresses that question in her preparation for #GC2019

GC Delegates: What You’re In For

Journeys: General Conference Delegates: What You're In For By Joan Holms with Amory Peck The year 2016 will bring us the opportunity to be more fully engaged...

#UMCGC Reflection: Can the UMC Change?

By David Reinholz May 11, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Powerless. That’s how it can feel sometimes as a member of a large bureaucratic and hierarchical institution. We...

#UMCGC Reflection: The Gift of Hospitality

By Rev. C. Shane Moore May 15, 2016 | Portland, Oregon The other day I was asked how my experience has been so far at General Conference. I...

How do we see the shades of our faith? #UMCGC

Video by Patrick Scriven May 16, 2016 | Portland, Oregon “We do need to be seen; we do need to see each other. If we can’t...

Thoughts from Amory Peck – Wednesday, Week 2

Post submitted on April 30, 2011 by Amory Peck, First Elected Lay Delegate to General Conference and Conference Lay Leader. Our PNW delegation is pictured...

Holy Conversation

This article, written by Amory Peck, originally appeared in Channels Newsletter. My intent was to write a review of a recent church-related trip. It was two-and-a-half...

#UMCGC extends “one small step of sacramental rights” to deacons

Today, delegates approved Petition 60489 which says, "ffering the means of grace to the world, the resident bishop of an annual conference in which the...