PNW Delegation

Articles and commentary on or about the Pacific Northwest Conference’s delegation to the General and Western Jurisdictional Conference. #UMCGC #WJUMC

#UMCGC Reflection: A Prayer for Old White Men

By David Reinholz May 19, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Dear God, I’m an old, white, heterosexual man. I have as much privilege as any segment of...

Thoughts from Amory Peck – Wednesday, Week 2

Post submitted on April 30, 2011 by Amory Peck, First Elected Lay Delegate to General Conference and Conference Lay Leader. Our PNW delegation is pictured...

The ministry right in front of us – #UMCGC

By Megan Kilpatrick I've been decompressing from General Conference--there's been a lot that's happened over the past two weeks. A lot of meanness and ugliness...

Thoughts on #GC2012 after a week of less stressful living

Delegation members Marie Kuch, the Rev. Gloria Kymn, Amory Peck and the Rev. Craig Parrish share a light moment with their 'voting keypads' on...


Gail Grossman & the Rev. Craig Parrish talk as Peter Masundire works to stay connected. Photo by the Rev. David Valera. Thursday The day was long. I...

Thoughts from Amory Peck – Monday, Week 2

Post submitted on April 30, 2011 by Amory Peck, First Elected Lay Delegate to General Conference and Conference Lay Leader. In the picture above,...

VIDEO: Reactions to #GC2012 Action Re: Homosexuality

Rev. David Valera interviewed four delegates regarding their reaction to the recent vote(s) of General Conference on the issue of inclusive language and those...

Legislation Submitted by the Pacific Northwest Conference

The following list includes the different petitions submitted for consideration at General Conference 2012 through the legislative process by action of the 2011 Pacific...

#UMCGC Reflection: Conversations in 140 characters

By Megan Kilpatrick May 13, 2016 | Portland, Oregon I don't Tweet much. That might come as a surprise to some folks who've been online these...

The Colors of the #GC2012 Rainbow

The Rev. David Valera, with two name badges in tow, is pictured on the right along with four others at GC2012. RED, GREEN and ORANGE I...