#UMCGC Reflection: Something I can tell my church

By Rev. Elizabeth Ingram Schindler May 18, 2016 | Portland, Oregon For the last 48 hours, all the talk, the rumors, the underlying current at General Conference,...

#UMCGC Reflection: Are we doomed to repeat history?

By Rev. Monica Corsaro 2016 | Portland, Oregon At General Conference we celebrated our many partnerships with our ecumenical brothers and sisters in Christ. In particular we celebrated...

An Offering for a Way Forward #UMCGC

Galatians 3:25-29 (NRSV) 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian, 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all children of...

#UMCGC Reflection: #WhereAreTheYouth? Answer: School

By Brianna Smith May 17, 2016 How much do you want us? During General Conference, I’ve noticed that adults are asking the question, “Where are the youth...

#UMCGC Reflection: A Code of ‘Spirit’

By Megan Kilpatrick May 17, 2016 | Portland, Oregon I have had the privilege of observing the Church and Society 2 Committee during General Conference. The...

May 17 wrap-up: Schism rumors quashed

By Joey Butler May 17, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) General Conference 2016 may have started off slowly, but it’s full steam ahead now. On a...

#UMCGC Reflection: Who gets to belong?

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst May 17, 2016 | Portland, Oregon If anyone ever belonged at the Oregon Convention Center, it is me. I have had the opportunity of...

In Relationship: Caring for OUR children in the Congo

By Jesse N. Love May 17, 2016 | Portland, Ore. A young woman who is wearing beautiful garb from Africa graces the stage. Wiping tears from...

#UMCGC extends “one small step of sacramental rights” to deacons

Today, delegates approved Petition 60489 which says, "ffering the means of grace to the world, the resident bishop of an annual conference in which the...

VIDEO: Growing Pains in the Central Conferences #UMCGC

Video by Rev. David Valera | Article by Patrick Scriven May 17, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Delegates to the 2016 United Methodist General Conference approved a...