Bishops, The Upper Room launch Phase 3 of Praying our Way Forward

WASHINGTON, D.C.  _ The Council of Bishops in partnership with The Upper Room is launching Phase 3 of Praying our Way Forward. Phase 1...

PNW delegates share their hopes for General Conference 2016

Marie Kuch-Stanovsky, Joan Holms, Megan Ernst Kilpatrick, Dave Reinholz, Amanda Tobey, the Rev. David Nieda, Austin Adkinson, Kay C. Barckley, the Rev. Monica Corsaro,...

Commission on a Way Forward prepares for critical meeting in Berlin

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the Commission on a Way Forward prepares for its next meeting, the moderators are asking all United Methodists to continue...

Harvey: ‘Wear the robe like it matters’

By Betty Backstrom May 16, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey reminded those attending General Conference 2016 that all are called to “bear...

Commission starts to sketch options for the way forward

The Commission on a Way Forward has started sketching models to share with the Council of Bishops as options for finding a way forward for The United Methodist Church (UMC) regarding human sexuality.

Rev. Craig’s Thoughts on Day 4 of #GC2012

It was a grueling day. My morning was spent on the losing end of 21 to 1 votes in the subcommittee I'm working in. All...

Holy Conversation II

This article, written by Amory Peck, originally appeared in Channels Newsletter. Photo by Jesse Love. I’m sitting in my room at the Archbishop Alex J. Brunett Retreat Center...

Bishops vow to work toward unity, accountability

By Heather Hahn May 16, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) United Methodist bishops have adopted a “Covenant of Accountability,” in which they pledge to work for...

GC2016 delegates say no to Rule 44

By Heather Hahn May 12, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) After a roller coaster of “will-they-or-won’t-they” episodes usually reserved for love interests in sitcoms, delegates finally...

Council Executive Committee Affirms Unity, Moves Forward

Nashville, Tenn.: Meeting in Chicago last week, the Council of Bishops' Executive Committee approved a framework for implementing the Commission on a Way Forward...