HIV/AIDS is limited priority for church

By Kathy L. Gilbert May 9, 2016|PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) In a world where 37 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, a budget of $62,000 for the...

Bid to divest from settlements fails

By Erik Alsgaard May 20, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) An amendment offered during debate on socially responsible investing that sought to divest from illegal settlements...

2020 General Conference delegate distribution by annual conference now available

Nashville, Tenn.: In December 2017, the Secretary of the General Conference publicly released information about the number of delegates assigned to the annual conferences...

Council of Bishops meets post-General Conference

Portland, Oregon: The United Methodist Council of Bishops met on May 21 following the close of General Conference for worship and prayer for the...

Another perspective on the “Action of Non-Conformity with the General Conference”

By Rev. Daniel Foster | Puget Sound District Superintendent The following column is republished with permission from July 8th "Spirit of Puget Sound" district newsletter...

The Colors of the #GC2012 Rainbow

The Rev. David Valera, with two name badges in tow, is pictured on the right along with four others at GC2012. RED, GREEN and ORANGE I...

Council of Bishops Names 32 Commission Members

Washington, D.C. The United Methodist Council of Bishops has announced the membership of the Commission on a Way Forward. "After three months of diligent and...

GC2016: What can churchgoers do together?

By Heather Hahn May 13, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) Hannah Foust, as a United Methodist sixth-grader in Indiana, saw a video about the desperate need...

PNW Board of Ordained Ministry releases statement on ministry candidates, sexual orientation, and gender...

By Patrick Scriven May 6, 2016  SEATTLE, Wash. When it met yesterday at Ronald United Methodist Church just north of Seattle, the Pacific Northwest Conference Board...

Connectional Table launches #CTTalks in preparation for General Conference 2016

CHICAGO: The Connectional Table is launching a series of weekly videos in October to help inform United Methodist church leaders and General Conference delegates...