Some thoughts for Local Church Pastors needing to explain why The United Methodist Church...

By Patrick Scriven I appreciate that “United Methodist leaders” decided to wait until after the holidays to deliver the news of a proposal to allow...

GC2016 delegates say no to Rule 44

By Heather Hahn May 12, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) After a roller coaster of “will-they-or-won’t-they” episodes usually reserved for love interests in sitcoms, delegates finally...

WJ Mission Cabinet endorses One Church Plan

"It is after much prayer, study and discernment that we share with you that we believe that the One Church Plan is the best way forward for the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church." Members of the Western Jurisdiction's Mission Cabinet have endorsed the One Church Plan, noting their commitment to the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the church now, and a recognition of the need to create "generous space" for all to live faithfully their conscience as they follow Jesus.

VIDEO: WJ Bishops declare Safe Harbor for LGBTQ+ clergy, candidates

VIDEO: WJ Bishops declare Safe Harbor for LGBTQ+ clergy, candidates #UMC4All

ʽDigital divide’ concern arises with African delegates

By Sam Hodges May 10, 2016 | PORTLAND, Oregon (UMNS) At past General Conferences, delegates wanting to speak in a plenary session raised a card and...

Fossil Free UMC Responds to United Methodist Pension Board Video for Central Conference Delegates

Seattle, WA—The United Methodist Church’s General Board of Pension and Health Benefits has released a video for central conference delegates instructing them to vote...

Bishop Ough says Council of Bishops does not support split

Updates with Ough's statement By Kathy L. Gilbert and Sam Hodges May 17, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) Bishop Bruce R. Ough, president of the Council of...

Stanovsky: ‘We will not leave divided’

By Charmaine Robledo May 20, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) On the last day of the 2016 General Conference, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky of the Mountain Sky...

A Weak, Foolish and Despised Way Forward

Commentary by Rev. Kathy Neary Far from the Mind of Christ “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 Here’s my...

Bid to divest from settlements fails

By Erik Alsgaard May 20, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) An amendment offered during debate on socially responsible investing that sought to divest from illegal settlements...