Missionary Conference Connections

By Rev. Golden Neal | Photos by Joan Hackett and Jesse N. Love Ellensburg, Wash. – If I had to sum up my experience at...

What can Methodists learn from Starbucks?

A well-publicized incident at a Starbucks in Philadephia left the Seattle-based business reassessing its policies and considering the impact of unconscious bias on the hospitality it offers. Kristina Gonzalez reflects on the company's response, including a company-wide closure and training this week, and considers what we might learn from it.

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, 2018

A federal judge in Texas struck down the Indian Child Welfare Act a few short days before many communities, and several states, celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day this year. This confluence of events prompted some good questions and this reflection from Kristina Gonzalez, Director of Innovation for an Inclusive Church for the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church.

Lost Boy finds help at Justice for Our Neighbors

The United Methodist program Justice For our Neighbors (JFON) is an advocacy and support group that provides legal help for immigrants and refugees. Church...

JLO: Fullness of Hope

Jamaa Letu Orphanages Fullness of Hope By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Jamaa Letu Orphanages are located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These places receive PNW Conference...

UMs help communities rise up on the frontline in the Philippines

UMs help communities rise up on the frontline in the Philippines By the Rev. David V. Valera I’m Rev. David Valera and I serve as Executive...

Church seeks to meet needs in border crisis

A UMNS report by Sam Hodges | July 15, 2014 | DALLAS (UMNS) From handing out hygiene kits to providing legal briefings, United Methodists are working to...

Meet the new faces at Jamaa Letu!

By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photos by Jamaa Letu Orphanages Rosine Maruv Kayombo will now serve as the new director at the girls’ Jamaa Letu...

Pacific Island Methodists of the Northwest meet in Seattle

Pacific Islander leadership met at First Tongan UMC with support from the district, Conference, and greater UMC. Small groups focused on identity, empowerment, and...

Christmas Institute PNW Rises Up!

CI Leader Darlene Germino shows her Fearless 'swag' • Our 2013 Leadership Team • Campers Angelo Guillermo and Mark Jordan Ramirez practice with leader...