Siesia Puloka to Seattle: Magnolia United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint Siesia Puloka as the pastor of Seattle: Magnolia United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2015. Puloka is a recent graduate of Wesley...

SUMYT 2016: Not All Who Wander Are Lost

As a team, SUMYT spends almost a year planning and working to make its retreat possible. This planning team has 19 youth in grades...

Brent Dehlbom to Sandpoint (Idaho) UMC

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intent to appoint Brent Dehlbom to Sandpoint United Methodist Church, Sandpoint, Idaho, half time, effective July 1, 2016, in...

FriendsGiving at Cornerstone

By Ashley Creek* Last Fall, the Cornerstone Youth Program celebrated what happens when you gather people around a table together and share a meal. The...

Rev. Mel Woodworth as Pastor of Seattle: Grace UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Rev. Mel Woodworth as Pastor of Grace United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington beginning July 1,...

Legislative Summary from The PNWAC Sessions 2015

The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions 2015 Legislative Summary Prepared by the Rev. Shirley DeLarme Much of our action was to make our preferences known to General...

SAVE THE DATE: Disaster Response Training, September 23 and 24 in Richland

An Early Response Team heads back home while serving in Fairbanks, Alaska to fix houses affected by flooding of the Yukon River back in...

Steve Kazda to Asotin UMC

Rev. Gregg Sealey, Inland District Superintendent, intends to assign Steve Kazda as pastoral leader of Asotin United Methodist Church in Asotin, Washington beginning July 1, 2017. Kazda has completed...

Steve Michael to plant new expression of Christian community out of Community UMC

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky intends to appoint the Steve Michael to be embedded within Community United Methodist Church in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to be...

Alice Warness to Royal City United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint Alice Warness to Royal City United Methodist Church, effective July 1, 2015.