The Real Easter is…
In a letter to his church, Rev. Mike Graef names some of the disappointment many feel celebrating Easter in these COVID-19 times.
While sharing this disappointment, he reminds us that the true Easter experience doesn't require these things.
COVID-19 tests more than our bodies
"The COVID-19 is testing more than our bodies. Our spirits are getting a great test too," writes the Rev. Paul Graves. He argues that despite our separation and individualistic tendencies, we are our best, most authentic, selves when we help each other.
Prophetic Grace in a Manger
"When we celebrate Jesus’ birth only as a “Jesus sweet and mild” newborn, we unconsciously dismiss the radically prophetic message his birth and whole life embodied." Rev. Paul Graves challenges us to see the birth of Christ as the bold unmerited gift of grace that it is.
Entertaining Angels
"I don’t think it’s right to mix politics and religion," said Dorene, "but maybe Jose was kind of like a prophet."
June Darling eloquently shares how a unconventional attendee of the Cashmere United Methodist Church pushed the edges out to help others to grow just "a tidbit more patient."
Entertaining Angels
Port Hadlock Community UMC pastor Scott Rosekrans shares how a chance encounter on a Sunday afternoon gave him the opportunity to meet a new neighbor. The church's new Advent study had him at the church when it would normally be empty and provided a lesson which perfectly aligned with his encounter.
Toppenish church to celebrate 120 years and counting!
Eli Martinez, co-lead pastor for New Harvest Fellowship in Toppenish, WA, sees the upcoming celebration of 120 years of a Methodist presence in the community as an opportunity to renew ministry to a city dealing with fear from recent shootings.
May U Journey On
Rev. Ferdinand Llenado went through a faith crisis as he experienced a paradigm shift from fundamentalism towards inclusive thinking. In this post on the PNW News Blog, Llenado shares several benedictions from his recently published book, shaped by this faith journey through the U.
Fear of the Tap (water)
Growing up in the Philippines, the Rev. David Valera learned that it was never safe to drink water straight from the tap. In this reflective post, Valera wrestles with how hard it can be to let go of "deep-rooted fears" even long after one has learned there is no danger. He wonders what role the church can play in liberating others.
Doorway to Recovery
Rev. Susan Boegli, pastor of Battleground Community UMC, has been sober for ten months. In this post for the Clergy Wellness Corner, she shares how her journey to sobriety started last year on Good Friday, the fear she took on in stepping into the light, and the support she has received along the way.
Did you ever feel like the time before Christmas is just upside-down?
By the Rev. Paul Graves
Do you remember the lead-up to Christmas when you were a child? If you now have children, or grandchildren, or...