EarthKeepers lend a hand at the UMCOR West Depot

EarthKeepers trainees recently visited the Salt Lake City UMCOR West Depot and learned how the energy and generosity of United Methodists are deployed in response efforts when natural disaster strike. Cindy Haverkamp shares some of what they learned and how your church can participate in this work.

When It Comes to Climate Change, We’re All Grieving (Even Climate Deniers)

At the heart of climate change is something with which we deeply struggle--change. And it is not just any change. This is change beyond...

Local church effort brings nationally recognized Climate Speakers Network training for clergy to the...

Ashland, Oregon – For the past two years, the Climate Speakers Network (CSN), a program of The Climate Reality Project, has partnered with the...

Divestment: The Money Conversation You Need to Have at Charge Conference

The Money Conversation You Need to Have at Charge Conference By The Rev. Jenny Phillips | Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons One of our primary tasks...

Are Smoky Summers the “New Norm”?

As wildfire smoke continues to blanket much of the Pacific Northwest, Cindy Haverkamp checks in with churches in the PNW's hardest-hit district to discover how they are ministering to their congregations in what may be a new "normal".

Nurturing Elders: Older Adults lead the way in recycling!

By The Rev. Elmer Bigham | Photos by Pastor Scott Klepach, Jr. Elmer Bigham is the driving force behind a very significant community ministry of...

Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent

How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...

Global Ministries to Commission New United Methodist EarthKeepers for Environmental Stewardship

Global Ministries will commission 67 new EarthKeepers from 23 conferences in an online service on November 19, 2019 at 8pm ET at Among those being commissioned is Barb Maynes, a lay member of First UMC in Port Angeles, WA.

Climate Vigil Lanterns!

We need volunteers to help at the General Conference Climate Vigil! If you can come to Portland to volunteer for the Vigil or for our...

Celebrate Earth Sunday by Making a Climate Vigil Prayer Lantern for General Conference

By Rev. Jenny Phillips Earth Sunday, celebrated in many churches on the Sunday nearest to Earth Day, can be a challenge for church leaders.  The...