
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Butler Bass: Believing, Behaving, and Belonging

Religion AND Spirituality - or - Religion VS. Spirituality By Ellen Johanson with Pastor Alice Hedges The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference welcomes Diana Butler Bass as...

Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14

Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14 By Amanda Tobey with Jesse N. Love | Photo by Amy Pazan During Opening Worship at...

PNW Creation Care: Just Juice!

(Left) Fresh, locally-grown, organic Concord grapes will soon be pressed into juice by youth from Puyallup UMC. (Right) The Rev. Jenny Phillips talks...

Becoming God’s Shalom: A Justice Journey

By the Rev. Kay C. Barckley | Photo by Faith Action Network “…in peace and justice Christ brings Shalom. So when we’re living the ways of...

Climate Vigil Lanterns!

We need volunteers to help at the General Conference Climate Vigil! If you can come to Portland to volunteer for the Vigil or for our...

Ocean Park: Celebrating the Precious “Gems” of Camping Ministry

  By Brandon Scheer | Photos by Ocean Park, Pam Murphy, et. al. This year has brought many reasons to celebrate for campers, supporters, friends, and...

What Are the UMC’s Social Values? Look at Where It Invests Its Money.

By Rev. Jenny Phillips | Minister for Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy Many United Methodists consider the Social Principles to be a foundational resource in understanding...

Is it easy being GREEN at Annual Conference?

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips It can be hard to make creation-friendly choices when you’re attending Annual Conference, because the big creation care decisions were...

If you want to be taken seriously…

The Rev. John Brewer, Bishop Cal McConnell, and Mary Tapp share a moment of laughter during Tapp’s retirement party at PNWUMC in 2010. Nurturing Elders...

Rethinking Metrics in the Life of the Church

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Humor me for a minute. What if we rethink metrics? Before I start let’s name metrics...