
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Want to Stop Oil Trains? We Have Work to Do!

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Camas United Methodist Church I am still celebrating today! Last week, more than 1000 people participated in a hearing on the...

Orchards and Salmon Creek UMCs: VIMs in Mexico

Building Houses for Christ: VIM Trip to Mexico | By The Rev. Kathy Neary LET’S BUILD HOUSES! From March 30 - April 6, six people from...

Annual Conference: Opening Worship Remembers Japanese-American Internment in Puyallup

By Scott Klepach and Pastor Karen Yokota Early Friday morning the people gathering into the worship area before opening worship were greeted  with peppy jazz...

Dear Dr. King: I Still Struggle for Freedom

A large group of African-American spectators stands on the banks of Buffalo Bayou to witness a baptism. Many umbrellas are present indicating an effort...

Frank Schaefer: To Err on the Side of Love

Frank Schaefer: To Err on the Side of Love By Amy Pazan On the weekend of March 29, defrocked pastor Frank Schaefer visited the Seattle Area...

Who is God to us? What does God mean to you?

By Nica Sy | Photos by Hazel Rollolazo and Kevin Tabora Christmas Institute 2017, or CI, challenged campers to question, explore, and discover the role...

A Balancing Act

By Ted Brosius I've been following the church's General Conference via blog posts and tweets on the Conference website. So far, it's been very intriguing....

Moving beyond the trauma and dysfunction

By Bishop Jack M. Tuell  Has the General Conference become dysfunctional? Many outside observers, watching almost 1,000 delegates struggle in a cavernous, dimly lit hall...

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel By Jesse Love, the Rev. Katie Ladd and Pastor Karen Yokota On Saturday, March 8, Seattle’s Queen Anne UMC...

Live into Pentecost with Spanish Wings: Spanish Language Experience for Church Leaders

By the Rev. Lyda Pierce Bishop Elaine Stanovsky posted on Facebook last week: The Holy Spirit enabled people who spoke different languages to understand each other,...