
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

What should a church do? In what order should we do it?

#pnwac12 Pre-Conference Laity & Clergy Gatherings: A recap in tweets

The 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference gathering began on Wednesday, June 20 with laity and clergy gatherings. Here are some of the evening's highlights...

What is Project Transformation?

By the Rev. Rachel Neer Project Transformation: Pacific Northwest is a ministry of The United Methodist Church whose mission is to engage young adults in...

Butler Bass: Believing, Behaving, and Belonging

Religion AND Spirituality - or - Religion VS. Spirituality By Ellen Johanson with Pastor Alice Hedges The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference welcomes Diana Butler Bass as...

Nurturing Elders: Signposts on a Journey of Woundedness

Outside the Oklahoma National Memorial Museum is the children’s memorial to honor the children killed. The wall tiles and courtyard were designed by other...

Journeys: Ways we are answering Jesus’ call

Journeys: Ways we are answering Jesus' Call By Joan Holms Conference Lay Leader Joan Holms shares her experiences visiting various churches in the PNW who are both...

Sexism, Cultural Accommodation and the Myth of Fruitfulness

Commentary by Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry One of the most pervasive myths in contemporary Christianity is the one where faithfulness...

Vigil and peaceful march unite Capitol Hill, interfaith communities

(From the top left) Guest speakers Tripat Singh (Gurdwara Singh Sabha of Washington), Jackie O'Ryan (Faith Action Network), Claire Petersky (top-right, Bet Alef Meditative...

Social Principles = Law in the #UMC?

Sorry to Non-Methodists, but this is a really inside-the-ballpark conversation.The United Methodist Church, the predecessors of which grew up during the rise of the...

Musings: Sharing Your Faith

Carrie Bland helps a youngster read passages from the Bible at Elementary Adventure held at Ocean Park Camp and Retreat Center. Visit for...

Wrestling with God in St. Louis: A Biblical Reflection

When United Methodists gather in St. Louis next month, Rev. Paul Graves is expecting something akin to a "wresting match". According to Graves, the story of Jacob could provide some helpful insights to delegates and observers of the General Conference.