
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

UMC social-justice agency applauds House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force findings

UMC social-justice agency applauds House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force findings By the General Board of Church and Society Urges Congress not to ignore crescendo of...

Conquer your fear: be of “good courage”

Closing Worship calls Conference to be of “good courage” | By Jesse N. Love After three days of legislative sessions, listening, and holy conferencing, the...

Laity Session: GC2012 reports, Holms elected conference lay leader

By Jonathan Assink with Jesse N. Love WELCOME TO LAITY SESSION Amory Peck opened the meeting introducing the PNW Conference’s Cabinet: the Revs. David Nieda, Mary...

We are compassionate people with a passion for action!

By Rosalee Mohney | Photos by Jesse N. Love “I’m doing volunteer work because I wasn’t able to say ‘no.’ I’m called to do certain things...

A Fearless and Faithful Hope

John Helmiere wants you to hope, love and witness not with fear…but with faith. By Jesse N. Love | Photos by Amy Pazan The message from...

And Your Little Dog Too

Scott Rosekrans, pastor to Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, uses the classic story of the Wizard of Oz and its vengeful witch to highlight Paul's wise teaching on forgiveness in Romans. "Revenge is an uncontrollable monster that feeds on itself," Rosekrans writes, noting that the Apostle raises the bar while illuminating new possibilities.

Delegate Counts Per Annual Conference Released

Lake Junaluska, N.C.: The secretary of the General Conference, Rev. L. Fitzgerald Reist, released today a list of numbers of delegates by annual conferences....

This Year’s Annual Conference Offerings

Three offerings will be taken at our 2013 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions to benefit one international, one national ,and one local ministry. A...

GC votes NO to ‘set aside’ Bishop

Bishop Sally Dyck presides over the General Conference Session on the morning of April 30, 2012. Photo by Patrick Scriven. By David V. Valera GC 2012...

The 2017 United Methodist Seminar in New York

  By Ann Eachus | Photo courtesy of Daniel Schwen/Wikipedia You can attend a United Methodist Seminar in New York City, May 17-19, 2017. The Seminar will...