
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Eat More Eggs, Do More Laundry

The people of Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, Washington have recently started to complement their existing support of UMCOR with a renewed focus and interest in the needs of their local community. For its pastor Scott Rosekrans, this interest has resulted in broader and more creative engagement by the church, and regular surprises on his pulpit on Sunday mornings.

Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent

How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...

Who knew?! Impressions of Mission u

Marilyn Reid, Jen Stuart, and Lyda Nisbet perform a skit highlighting women heroines in the Hebrew Scriptures. Who knew?! Impressions by a first-timer at Mission...

Rev. Craig’s Thoughts on the First Day of #gc2012

Marcus Briggs Cloud of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference addresses the 2012 United Methodist General Conference in Tampa, Fla. A UMNS photo by Mike...

The Call to Action, Part One: UnGuaranteed Appointments

I want to start by framing my discussion a bit here.  I believe in change, and I believe The United Methodist Church, and our...

Musings: To do this work, I must start with myself

By Nica Sy Since I was young, I knew that my future would involve working to create a more equal and just society. At age...

Commentary on the Death of Michael Brown

By Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño, Los Angeles Area Resident Bishop I don’t know all the details or all the truth about the fatal shooting of...

Global Mission Fellows: Is there a reason to sing?

Global Mission Fellows Amanda Chng and Yvonne Agduyeng are given Bibles by a leader of Ruferkirche in Germany. By Yvonne Agduyeng I need a reason to...

Cape Tells New Board of Directors Focus Is On Mission

The Rev. Dr. Kim Cape serving Holy Communion at the opening worship at GBHEM's fall board meeting. By Vicki Brown* The Rev. Dr. Kim Cape told the...

Hispanic caucus urges advocacy on immigration issue

In July 2012, members from the Western Jurisdictional Conference took a tour on the southern edge of San Diego area close to the Mexican...