
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith By Falisha Hola | Photos by Patrick Scriven, et. al. CONVO 2016 was an amazing experience and also a success....

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Some Thoughts from Bishop Hagiya on #gc2012

It is my second week here in Tampa at our General Conference.  The Council of Bishops meets the week before General Conference starts, so...

On gun control: safe practice, as well as policy

On gun control: safe practice, as well as policy | By the Rev. William “Bo” Bryan, Jr. The Rev. William "Bo" Bryan, Jr. of Prosser...

Some difficult questions about church staffing…

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries "The Department of Labor (DOL) announced its changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act...

How We Can Do More for Less

Apportioned giving is one of the most misunderstood things in United Methodism. Sometimes maligned as taxes funding a shadowy bureaucracy, they are more appropriately...

The Questions of a Sleepy College Student

Participants sing during the opening worship of the 2012 United Methodist General Conference held in Tampa, Fla. A UMNS photo by Kathleen Barry. General Conference...

Cape Tells New Board of Directors Focus Is On Mission

The Rev. Dr. Kim Cape serving Holy Communion at the opening worship at GBHEM's fall board meeting. By Vicki Brown* The Rev. Dr. Kim Cape told the...
The Book of Discipline, 2008

Guaranteed No More

This morning General Conference voted to strike language in the discipline guaranteeing appointments for “all elders in full connection who are in good standing.” The...

CTA and VC: Add more acronyms to the mix

The Call To Action. One of the big buzz phrases this #GC2012. Here's my take on one of the pieces of the Call to...