
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Spray Paint Needed at #GC2012 ?

Photo taken by Matt Weltner A friend recently took this picture of the tampered with signed of Lakeview Free Methodist Church made to say ‘Lakeview...
The Book of Discipline, 2008

GC 2012 and The Book of Discipline

Do we understand how the church works? By the Rev. Joan G. LaBarr* | Photo by Jesse N. Love Did you know The United Methodist Church...

Conforming with Nonconformity

Commentary by Irene R. DeMaris, M.Div Earlier today, The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church began a conversation that the New England, Desert Southwest,...

Summary of 2012 Annual Conference Legislative Work

Members of the annual conference listen to the Rev. DJ del Rosario during the 2012 session at the Trac Center in Pasco, Washington. Photo...

Statement On Charleston Shooting from Bishop L. Jonathan Holston

June 18, 2015 As the media around this nation tells the story of last night’s tragedy in Charleston, we are shocked and disturbed to hear...

No Large Southern Church Left Behind

This post by the Rev. Jeremy Smith originally appeared on his blog, In Virginia Bassford’s book (which is recommended reading for General Conference) she...

Encountering Grace in the Hallway

Mary Simpson-Stanton talking with other United Methodists outside the convention center hosted General Conference 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Photo by the Rev. David Valera. I...

Seasonal Anxiety

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent This morning one of my youngest daughters asked, “Mom, is it Fall yet?” I responded with,...

Seven Ministry Convictions, part 7 | The Finale

By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent Thank you for bearing with me as I have named seven of my most basic ministry convictions,...

What to do when the pieces no longer fit… Need a hint? It rhymes...

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Our family enjoys the challenge of a good jigsaw puzzle. The little ones have puzzles...