
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

No Large Southern Church Left Behind

This post by the Rev. Jeremy Smith originally appeared on his blog, In Virginia Bassford’s book (which is recommended reading for General Conference) she...

Westboro UMC?

According to their website, Westboro Baptist Church is coming to picket the General Conference tomorrow, or as they say, "their annual convention in Tampa."...

Musings: Love Notes (or Marriage is Like Chopsticks)

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Love Notes By Jesse N. Love I have been thinking a lot about love, lately - the romantic, lovey-dovey kind. Much of my...

Peace with Justice: Tierra Nueva, Sustainable Agriculture + Healthy Lifestyles

Photos courtesy of Wikipedia and their respective authors. Peace with Justice: Tierra Nueva Sustainable Agriculture + Healthy Lifestyles By Ann Eachus In 2012, New Earth Farm received a PNW...

Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent

How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...

Advent Greetings from Bishop Hagiya

As we enter this season of holy births, new beginnings, and the hope of peace, I want to extend my deepest blessing upon you,...

God is on the Side of the Damned

"The point being that the core and foundation of the faith of Jesus is a commitment not to an abstract justice but to the...

Conquer your fear: be of “good courage”

Closing Worship calls Conference to be of “good courage” | By Jesse N. Love After three days of legislative sessions, listening, and holy conferencing, the...

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith By Falisha Hola | Photos by Patrick Scriven, et. al. CONVO 2016 was an amazing experience and also a success....

Reflection for All PNW and Alaska Clergy

Bishop Grant Hagiya addressing the General Conference during the Plenary Celebration and Challenge of the Mission and Ministry of The United Methodist Church on...