
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Eat More Eggs, Do More Laundry

The people of Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, Washington have recently started to complement their existing support of UMCOR with a renewed focus and interest in the needs of their local community. For its pastor Scott Rosekrans, this interest has resulted in broader and more creative engagement by the church, and regular surprises on his pulpit on Sunday mornings.

What Difference Does it Make?

This past week during Sunday morning worship I lifted up General Conference during the time of prayer.  After worship I was asked about General...

What’s Next?

What’s NEXT? By Aaron Pazan From Imagine What’s NEXT is designed to facilitate a fertile ground for imaginative work, focused specifically on the spaces where church/world...

NEJ approves resolution committing to rights of all, including LGBT

By Alexx Wood*  |  Photo from New England Conference Website Click Here for the Full Text of the Petition The Northeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist...

An Open Letter to White Clergy in the Midst of Protests

Colin Cushman (far right) stands with clergy in Ferguson, Mo. protestingthe shooting death of Michael Brown by police officer, Darren Wilson. An Open Letter to...

Review of 2012 General Conference Highlights-Part 2

Welcome back to Lift Up Christ and our continued review of The 2012 General Conference of The United Methodist Church! The old secular phrase is...

Watch Annual Conference Live or Later

The Plenary, Teaching, and Worship Sessions of Annual Conference 2012 are being streamed online as they happen. If you miss something, you can also...

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice By Janjay Innis | Photos by Yvonne Agduyeng Janjay Innis is a Global Mission Fellow and serves...

Commentary: Reza Aslan, Rachel Held Evans and Our Problem with Authority

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries Two of the biggest religion stories over the past week involved the formerly Christian, Muslim...

Musings: Love Notes (or Marriage is Like Chopsticks)

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Love Notes By Jesse N. Love I have been thinking a lot about love, lately - the romantic, lovey-dovey kind. Much of my...