
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

People of Faith Care for Our Common Home!

  By The Rev. Ron Hines | Photos by John Hill, Jesse N. Love, and Jenny Phillips In their many Ways, people of faith across the...

“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”

By Sophia K.R. Agtarap This notion of being called is not a new one. Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...

Nurturing Elders: Older Adults lead the way in recycling!

By The Rev. Elmer Bigham | Photos by Pastor Scott Klepach, Jr. Elmer Bigham is the driving force behind a very significant community ministry of...

Global Mission Fellows: I am not alone

By Yvonne Agduyeng   I had written another article for Channels and I thought I was done - another check mark off my to-do list, until...

Together, we will get there (…and this is not a personal thing)

Marches for Ebola virus awareness and for the response to the death of Michael Brown. Together, we will get there (…and this is not...

Dear Rev. Dr. King: How Do We Challenge Environmental Racism?

By the Rev. Katie Ladd | Photos by Kristina Gonzalez Note: This week, clergy and laity from the PNWUMC will be sharing letters in the...

ICHRP movement launches in Washington

By Rhondalei Gabuat Vancouver, Wash. - On December 9, the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines - U.S. chapter launched with human rights...

New Events and Resources from the Wesleyan Covenant Connection

New Events and Resources from the Wesleyan Covenant Connection By the Rev. Wally Snook | Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Wesleyan Covenant Connection is expanding its...

The United Methodist Church in Vietnam

Twelve Local Leaders Ordained Local Elders in Mission in Vietnam | By Sandra Brands Although the government has not yet recognized The United Methodist Church...

Pastoring at the Crossroads of Science and Faith

Laura Baumgartner, member of University Temple UMC in Seattle and candidate for ministry, shares how an internship at Earth Ministry is giving her new...