
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Are we ready to embrace the future?

While many United Methodists long for the Church of tomorrow, are we ready for it? Patrick Scriven wrestles with this question.

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel By Jesse Love, the Rev. Katie Ladd and Pastor Karen Yokota On Saturday, March 8, Seattleā€™s Queen Anne UMC...

Bothell’s House of Grace: A Different Kind of Worship

Attendees participate in the Blessed Movements session during Bothell UMC's House of Grace worship. House of Grace: A Different Kind of Worship | By Kristin...

Butler Bass: Believing, Behaving, and Belonging

Religion AND Spirituality - or - Religion VS. Spirituality By Ellen Johanson with Pastor Alice Hedges The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference welcomes Diana Butler Bass as...

Elders: Listen to Your Questions!

Nurturing Elders and Others: Listen to Your Questions: Active Listening to Your Inner-Self By The Rev. Paul Graves Nearly four years ago, I began to verbalize a...

A Lesson in Giving Up Control

If you don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Dana Lede, and I am a busy person. Ā I work on average...

Just imagine…

By Rev. Kathy Neary* Welcome! Welcome! Welcome, to the Annual Franchise Holders meeting of the United MethodistĀ Corporation. I am the CEO, Bishop I Have All...

Journeys: You Are Not Alone

Journeys: You Are Not Alone By Joan Holms Have you ever... taken on a task that seemed so monumental that you had no idea how you...

UMVIM team going to Texas!

By Cheryl Regan | Photos by Jim Truitt Cheryl Reagan will be leading a UMVIM team to Texas. Reagan is inviting members from throughout the...

Dear Dr. King, I am terrified.

Today, we celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! Several writers and friends from the PNW have joined together to...