
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Commentary: Reflections on a Strange Silence

Reflections on a Strange Silence By the Rev. Vince Hart About 25 years ago I submitted a paper at the Portland hearing of the UMC Committee...

Reflection for All PNW and Alaska Clergy

Bishop Grant Hagiya addressing the General Conference during the Plenary Celebration and Challenge of the Mission and Ministry of The United Methodist Church on...

Musings: Do Young Adults Exist?

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Do Young Adults Exist? By The Rev. Emma Donohew | Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (See links below) As a young Millennial pastor...

On Charlottesville and the Eclipse

Finding herself serving a church in the path of totality, the Rev. Richenda Fairhurst reflects upon the solar eclipse, and what we can see despite the darkness of events like those in Charlottesville.

Dear Martin: Knowing Who We Are in a Multicultural Nation

Luneta National Park in the Philippines features art and poetry including "Ako Ay Pilipino". By Jesse N. Love | Additional Photos by Nobel Foundation, Wikipedia Note: This week,...

#UMCGC Reflection: Can the UMC Change?

By David Reinholz May 11, 2016 | Portland, Oregon Powerless. That’s how it can feel sometimes as a member of a large bureaucratic and hierarchical institution. We...

Rethinking Metrics in the Life of the Church

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Humor me for a minute. What if we rethink metrics? Before I start let’s name metrics...

Commentary: Would The United Methodist Church Accept NBA Star Jason Collins?

Photo by Kwaku Alston/For Sports Illustrated. Click here for the original article. There were two big stories in the sporting world today. The first story...

What Are the UMC’s Social Values? Look at Where It Invests Its Money.

By Rev. Jenny Phillips | Minister for Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy Many United Methodists consider the Social Principles to be a foundational resource in understanding...

Wallingford UMC hosts Holocaust presentation to combat hate

By Patricia Naumann | Photos by Lucinda King and The Holocaust Center for Humanity Seattle, Wash. - On Sunday, February 11, nearly 90 members of Seattle’s Wallingford...