
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Mission u: What are the connections?

Scenes from Mission u.  If you are interested in attending, contact By Joan Hackett Mission u, an annual mission event at Central Washington University, welcomed many...

Bishop Mary Ann Returns to The PNW for Mission u

  Bishop Mary Ann Swenson be at Mission u July 14-17, 2017.  Read below to register! By Joan Hackett | Photos by Jesse N. Love “I was in...

Defining Hospitality

By R. Preston Price* If I were to define hospitality, I would simply say, “Des Moines United Methodist, Des Moines, Washington.” Before Bishop Jack Tuell died,...

Musings: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for me, at least!)

Poet Tiffanie Shanks of Ohio visits The Pacific Northwest to draw inspiration for a project. Musings & Younger Perspectives: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for...

Clothe yourselves with humility [even in the twittersphere]

It began with a text I received, as many of these conversations do:         And my response: I know I'm putting myself on blast here, but I'm...

A Humility in Bedtime

By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent MMy least favorite part of the day is announcing bedtime.  On the best of days, my...

Musings: Experiencing God’s call while in mission in Appalachia

Forrest Tufte (left) glues a part of a new gutter that the team will install on the house. (L-R): Forrest Tufte, Eric B., Kheira...

Passed: A Statement of Gospel Obedience

Bishop Robert Hoshibata (right) presiding over the final plenary session of the 2012 Western Jurisdictional Conference. Photo by Patrick Scriven. The following petition was passed...

Nurturing Elders: Near The End!

Nurturing Elders: Near The End! By the Rev. Paul Graves Don’t let “near the end” scare you! The end may be one of the best times...

What is a ‘disciple’? What is ‘disciple-making’?

Our Reflections in the Water: The Memorial & Communion Service By Jesse N. Love with Sophia K.R. Agtarap Thursday evening’s Memorial and Communion service served as...