
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Pastoring at the Crossroads of Science and Faith

Laura Baumgartner, member of University Temple UMC in Seattle and candidate for ministry, shares how an internship at Earth Ministry is giving her new...

Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall

Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires:  Hope is a bright pink wall By...

Beyond Earth Day: What Can We Do?

The climate crisis is so big, there's nothing I can do to make a difference. Every time I read an article about climate change, I...

Elders: Making Friends with Grief

Nurturing Elders and Others: Making Friends with Grief By the Rev. Paul Graves | "Grace" photo by Eric Enstrom I think grief’s real task is to take...

Spokane Valley UMC & UMW: Intercept Human Trafficking

  By Madelyn Bafus Spokane Valley United Methodist Church and its United Methodist Women participated in the Intercept Human Trafficking Photo Campaign. “We at Spokane Valley take very...

At-One-Ment with the Children

By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Fabrice Florin/Wikipedia, As it happened, I was sitting in front of the TV as the...

Wicked Problems and Advent Hope

Reflection by Dale L. Cockrum, Inland District Superintendent At a recent Cabinet session, Bishop Hagiya shared with us some reading he’s doing, looking to find...

Musings: My six relationship tips for 2013

Musings & Younger Perspectives: My top 6 relationship tips for the New Year | By Sophia Agtarap The proverbial ball has dropped. Well, literally, I guess,...

Amen Report: Here are 5 Ways to Care for Creation at Annual Conference! #pnwac14

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips 1. Vote Green. As you discuss and vote on legislation, consider its implications for environmental stewardship and justice. 2. Learn. Attend...

The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches

The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches By the Rev. Darryn Hewson | Images courtesy of I recently has traveled to Busan, South...