
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Musings: Love Notes (or Marriage is Like Chopsticks)

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Love Notes By Jesse N. Love I have been thinking a lot about love, lately - the romantic, lovey-dovey kind. Much of my...

Rev. Walker: On My Deafness and Blindness

On My Deafness and Blindness The Rev. Robert L. Walker Early in my life I collected heroes - one of music, the other of poetry and...

Pope iOS 7 – Is there substance beneath the style?

Commentary by Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries This week found millions of people upgrading their iPhones to iOS 7. Web traffic...

Elders: Safe Sanctuary to Include Older Adults

The background image above features a photo of The Sanctuary of St. Mary's Cathedral courtesy of Wikipedia. For more info on this image,...

The Weapons-Free Zone Conversation

Dana Lede and Megan Ernst Kilpatrick at the 2013 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions in Wenatchee, Wash. After Conference: The WFZ Conversation Continues By Dana Lede In discussion...

Musings: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for me, at least!)

Poet Tiffanie Shanks of Ohio visits The Pacific Northwest to draw inspiration for a project. Musings & Younger Perspectives: The 4 Stages of God’s Calling (for...

The Church Needs More Innovative Pastors like MTV Needs More Twerking*

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries The next time I hear a pastor argue that what the church really needs is...

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry”

Valley & Mountain as a “Transforming Ministry” By Pastor Karen Yokota | Photos by Amy Pazan Karen Yokota recently attended Transforming Ministries II, a three-day intensive...

Dave’s Dibble: Entertainment Bar is Rising

Line illustration courtesy of Pearson Scott Foresman/Wikipedia. Photos courtesy of Wikipedia. Dave's Dibble n: a tool for poking holes in the ground A Christ-follower’s attempt to...

Nurturing Elders: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life

Hourglass image courtesy of Wikipedia. For more info, click here. Nurturing Elders and Others: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life By The Rev. Paul Graves • This...