
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

The Apple and the Damage Done

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People’s Ministries Yesterday, Apple announced their new iPhones and the long-rumored Apple Watch. Regardless of how you feel...

Creating a Culture of Call: Greater NW Area Ministry Internship Project Launches!

Greater Northwest Area Garners $100,000 Grant The Greater Northwest Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church, an area that includes the Alaska, Oregon-Idaho, and Pacific...

Cushman: “We are driving off our best and brightest potential pastors.”

Musings & Younger Perspectives: A Glimpse of the Future By Colin Cushman Let me start off saying: I’m not going to try to convince you of anything....

An Identity Crisis

General Crisis 2012: Am I a part of a “conflict-religion?” | By Jesse N. Love Recently, I was updating my Facebook account, specifically under the...

The Church is a Hot Mess

The community of believers was one in heart and mind. None of them would say, “This is mine!” about any of their possessions, but...

Bishop Woodie: A Letter to Martin Luther King Jr. – 2017

  By Bishop Woodie W. White | Montage photos courtesy of Mike DuBose, Maile Bradfield, et. al. This article was originally released through the Interpreter.  You...

Commentary: Are we a big tent or a circus?

Image credit: Adapted from the image ‘Zirkus - Monti’ by Flickr user def110, Creative Commons license. By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications and Young...

The United Methodist Church in Vietnam

Twelve Local Leaders Ordained Local Elders in Mission in Vietnam | By Sandra Brands Although the government has not yet recognized The United Methodist Church...

Rev. Craig Parrish’s thoughts on Final Morning of #GC2012

Gail Grossman, Rev. Craig Parrish and Bishop Bob Hoshibata stand along the edges of the plenary space with those protesting the church's stance on...

An Open Letter to White Clergy in the Midst of Protests

Colin Cushman (far right) stands with clergy in Ferguson, Mo. protestingthe shooting death of Michael Brown by police officer, Darren Wilson. An Open Letter to...