
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Musings: My six relationship tips for 2013

Musings & Younger Perspectives: My top 6 relationship tips for the New Year | By Sophia Agtarap The proverbial ball has dropped. Well, literally, I guess,...

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Eat More Eggs, Do More Laundry

The people of Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, Washington have recently started to complement their existing support of UMCOR with a renewed focus and interest in the needs of their local community. For its pastor Scott Rosekrans, this interest has resulted in broader and more creative engagement by the church, and regular surprises on his pulpit on Sunday mornings.

Is it easy being GREEN at Annual Conference?

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips It can be hard to make creation-friendly choices when you’re attending Annual Conference, because the big creation care decisions were...

On Charlottesville and the Eclipse

Finding herself serving a church in the path of totality, the Rev. Richenda Fairhurst reflects upon the solar eclipse, and what we can see despite the darkness of events like those in Charlottesville.

Missions Need a Ministry: Why Full Time Campus Ministry Matters

In the wake of a struggle to save the Maryland Wesley Foundation, the Rev. Mark Schaefer, United Methodist campus minister/ chaplain at American University...

Spirituality is about listening…

"Listening is not just a skill children need to learn; it is equally valuable for the church as well," writes the Rev. Cara Scriven, superintendent for the Tacoma District. She expands upon this insight and the importance of good listening to our spiritual well-being, while offering encouragement to those in her district to attend the Table Talks events planned across the Greater Northwest Area this spring.

The sky isn’t falling but the ship is sinking…

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People’s Ministries One of the most frustrating elements of our current denominational conflict is the air of...

What’s Next?

What’s NEXT? By Aaron Pazan From Imagine What’s NEXT is designed to facilitate a fertile ground for imaginative work, focused specifically on the spaces where church/world...

The parable of the Hot Dog

Commentary by Patrick Scriven A story reported this morning on NPR gave me a little hope. According to the Pioneer Press, Jaequan Faulkner, a 13-year-old entrepreneur...