
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Dear Rev. Dr. King, WHERE do we go from here?

Today, we celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! Several writers and friends from the PNW have joined together to...

Remember You Are Earth: Simple Resources for Lent

How about changing the line on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes to, "Remember that you are earth, and to earth you shall...

VIDEO: Jim Winkler – Teaching Session

Photo credit: UMNS/ Kathy Gilbert Jim Winkler addressed the 2012 PNW Annual Conference Sessions on June 21st at the TRAC Center in Pasco, Washington. Winkler...

Palmer: Trust God’s promise and go forth

By Kathy L. Gilbert May 11, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) Bishop Gregory V. Palmer laid out a path for the 2016 United Methodist General Conference:...

Commentary: Moving into the Future with Strength

By Rev. Kathy Neary, Pastor of Orchards United Methodist Church in Vancouver, WA. Reposted by request from Kathy's Blog, Future Faith. The Pacific Northwest Conference...

No Guaranteed Appointments — No Big Deal

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño on the Desert Southwest Annual Conference presides over General Conference as the 'security of appointments' is discussed on Tuesday, May 1...

Franklin Graham, Barack Obama, and how we respond to difference

By Patrick Scriven On Tuesday, conservative Christian provocateur Franklin Graham offered his support to a Catholic priest in South Carolina who denied former US Vice...

When General Conference Meets Celebrity Gossip

My two worlds just collided and I am so giddy. Something huge happened, and I am sure you’ll roll your eyes at me, but...

Faith communities march for background checks, gun safety

Images from the March for I-594. This event brought together many faith communities from the Seattle Area in support of background checks for...

Spray Paint Needed at #GC2012 ?

Photo taken by Matt Weltner A friend recently took this picture of the tampered with signed of Lakeview Free Methodist Church made to say ‘Lakeview...