
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Nurturing Elders: Prodigal Summer Memories

By the Rev. Paul Graves One of my favorite Biblical stories for decades has been The Prodigal Son parable. For a variety of reasons it...

I am the church, you are the church…

Photo of the 2012 General Conference choir as they perform at the Opening Worship Service on April 24, 2012 by the Rev. David Valera. I've...

Come to Lazy Daze!

Come to Lazy Daze! By Rosalee Mohney with Jesse N. Love REGISTER NOW! Lazy Daze, an annual retreat experience for older adults, will be on September 13-15,...

When It Comes to Climate Change, We’re All Grieving (Even Climate Deniers)

At the heart of climate change is something with which we deeply struggle--change. And it is not just any change. This is change beyond...

“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”

By Sophia K.R. Agtarap This notion of being called is not a new one. Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...

Social Principles = Law in the #UMC?

Sorry to Non-Methodists, but this is a really inside-the-ballpark conversation.The United Methodist Church, the predecessors of which grew up during the rise of the...

Nurturing Elders: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life

Hourglass image courtesy of Wikipedia. For more info, click here. Nurturing Elders and Others: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life By The Rev. Paul Graves • This...

PlanUMC: Process or Product? Better than the Devil We KNow?

This post by the Rev. Jeremy Smith originally appeared on his blog, A recap for those of us just tuning in: The General Conference of...

Elders: When Jesus is the Question!?

Nurturing Elders and Others: When Jesus is the Question!? By The Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons In a recent interview on National Public...

VIDEO: Reactions to the Vote to Eliminate Guaranteed Appointment

On the street interviews with the Rev. Gloria Kymn (clergy delegate), the Rev. Jeremy Smith (young adult clergy), Ken Ellis (lay delegate from Cal-Pac)...