
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Are we asking the right questions?

Commentary by Patrick Scriven I had the opportunity this week to spend some time at Lazy F, one of our four United Methodist Camps in...

A reflection on exclusion and language by Paul Jeffrey

By the Rev. Paul Jeffrey Some ten million people in the world today are stateless. They aren’t recognized as citizens of any nation. Without legal...

And Your Little Dog Too

Scott Rosekrans, pastor to Community United Methodist Church in Port Hadlock, uses the classic story of the Wizard of Oz and its vengeful witch to highlight Paul's wise teaching on forgiveness in Romans. "Revenge is an uncontrollable monster that feeds on itself," Rosekrans writes, noting that the Apostle raises the bar while illuminating new possibilities.

A history of ‘uniting’ and gathering at the table together

"There will always be difficult and divisive issues," writes Rev. Mary Huycke as she reflects on the upcoming 50th anniversary of The United Methodist Church. "As people of faith it is critical that we develop the relational and spiritual capacity to stay at the table with one another and bring such matters into our faith contexts."

Seven Ministry Convictions, part 7 | The Finale

By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent Thank you for bearing with me as I have named seven of my most basic ministry convictions,...

Creation Care for Earth Day Sunday 2017 and Beyond!

As we enter the world as Easter People, God calls us to bring healing and life to the earth. You can begin by incorporating...

Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14

Transforming the World with the Three Washing Ton D.C.’s #gypcla14 By Amanda Tobey with Jesse N. Love | Photo by Amy Pazan During Opening Worship at...

The Call

By Olivia Smith | Ministry Intern @ Valley & Mountain Fellowship I remember being introduced to the inside of the four walls, strangely animated saints, and...

Dear Rev. King: I Have a Dream, Too.

(Left) The Hirano family, left to right, George, Hisa, and Yasbei. Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, Arizona., 1942-1945 (Courtesy of The Department of the Interior,...

Dear Dr. King, how can we live in a new reality?

This week, as we lead up to the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., several writers and friends from the PNW...