PNW Creation Care: Just Juice!
(Left) Fresh, locally-grown, organic Concord grapes will soon be pressed into juice by youth from Puyallup UMC. (Right) The Rev. Jenny Phillips talks...
The Story of the Airborne LEGO® Castle
By the Rev. Cara Scriven | Tacoma District Superintendent
Last week, my youngest daughter got upset when her twin sister wouldn’t allow her to build...
Who can older adults ADVOCATE for?
Nurturing Elders and Others:
Who can older adults ADVOCATE for?
By the Rev. Paul Graves
A funny thing happened on the way to my computer when I...
Should you care about I-735?
Should you care about I-735?
By Ann Eachus
Are corporations people? Do they share our interests in what we expect from governments?
We expect the government...
Wildfires Update: Our Work Continues – How to Volunteer – Get Training
By Jim Truitt
The wildfires in eastern Washington are finally either out or fully contained. State and Federal assessors are in the field this week...
Community Dinners break the fourth wall of church
Community Dinners break the fourth wall of church
By Jesse N. Love | Photos by Jesse N. Love and the Rev. Gloria Kymn
Des Moines UMC...
Confessions of a first-year seminarian
Musings & Younger Perspectives:
Confessions of a first-year seminarian
By Bailey Brawner
During my first “Introduction to Christian Traditions” class, our professor began asking us questions, as...
Messy Church celebrates multi-generational relationships and discipleship
Messy Church celebrates multi-generational relationships and discipleship
By Scott Klepach, Jr.
There are scavenger hunts and painting crafts.
Or, there are camp songs and googly-eyes
Elders: Listen to Your Questions!
Nurturing Elders and Others:
Listen to Your Questions: Active Listening to Your Inner-Self
By The Rev. Paul Graves
Nearly four years ago, I began to verbalize a...
Musings: Experiencing God’s call while in mission in Appalachia
Forrest Tufte (left) glues a part of a new gutter that the team will install on the house. (L-R): Forrest Tufte, Eric B., Kheira...