
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

The Church Needs More Innovative Pastors like MTV Needs More Twerking*

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries The next time I hear a pastor argue that what the church really needs is...

Moving beyond the trauma and dysfunction

By Bishop Jack M. Tuell  Has the General Conference become dysfunctional? Many outside observers, watching almost 1,000 delegates struggle in a cavernous, dimly lit hall...

An argument for print and comprehension

Amazon Books is located in University Village in Seattle's U-District. Caz Salamanca is visiting this store for the first time and is enjoying a...

Dear Martin: Knowing Who We Are in a Multicultural Nation

Luneta National Park in the Philippines features art and poetry including "Ako Ay Pilipino". By Jesse N. Love | Additional Photos by Nobel Foundation, Wikipedia Note: This week,...

How do I use a hashtag and what do they mean? #gcyp

I wanted to give people some Twitter #hashtag tips when tweeting about General Conference or seeing other peoples tweets. For some practical information about...

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith By Falisha Hola | Photos by Patrick Scriven, et. al. CONVO 2016 was an amazing experience and also a success....

For the Love of God’s Creation

Science article-inspired haiku and watercolor from a series by Seattle oceanographer Gregory Johnson. For the Love of God’s Creation By the Rev. Jenny Phillips | Illustration by Gregory...

Sign up for UMVIM TEAM LEADER Training – NOW!

By Wendy Riddle UM Volunteers in Mission Team Leader/Team Member Training October 28 (Pasco: Riverview UMC) November 18 (Tumwater UMC) 9:00 am - 3:30 pm | $20.00 REGISTER HERE I remember my...

It has begun…

I’m not at General Conference and I’m glad.   The thought of long hours in legislative committees followed by all the wrangling in debate  leaves...

Welcoming the Stranger in Worship (In Two Parts)

By the Rev. Keith Hackett | Photos by Jesse N. Love Part 1: “Excuse me, but you’re in my seat.” Since retiring three years ago, Joan...