
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Will they know we are Christians by our love?

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV I don’t get it. I try. I’ve talked, read, debated, prayed (a...

Encountering Grace in the Hallway

Mary Simpson-Stanton talking with other United Methodists outside the convention center hosted General Conference 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Photo by the Rev. David Valera. I...

Listening: It does not just involve ears!

Nurturing Elders and Others: Listening: It does not just involve ears! By The Rev. Paul Graves “You don’t listen to me anymore!” “My spouse has selective hearing....

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing By Brianna Smith | Photo by The Rev. Paul Jeffrey Hello, my name is Brianna Smith and I am...

Musings: Experiencing God’s call while in mission in Appalachia

Forrest Tufte (left) glues a part of a new gutter that the team will install on the house. (L-R): Forrest Tufte, Eric B., Kheira...

Journeys: You Are Not Alone

Journeys: You Are Not Alone By Joan Holms Have you ever... taken on a task that seemed so monumental that you had no idea how you...

Dave’s Dibble: Entertainment Bar is Rising

Line illustration courtesy of Pearson Scott Foresman/Wikipedia. Photos courtesy of Wikipedia. Dave's Dibble n: a tool for poking holes in the ground A Christ-follower’s attempt to...

Just imagine…

By Rev. Kathy Neary* Welcome! Welcome! Welcome, to the Annual Franchise Holders meeting of the United Methodist Corporation. I am the CEO, Bishop I Have All...

Commentary: Are we a big tent or a circus?

Image credit: Adapted from the image ‘Zirkus - Monti’ by Flickr user def110, Creative Commons license. By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications and Young...

VIDEO: Presence at GC2012

Just as GC was headed into the afternoon recess, many of those whose voices have been unheard, or not given equal worth took time...