
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Rev. Walker: On My Deafness and Blindness

On My Deafness and Blindness The Rev. Robert L. Walker Early in my life I collected heroes - one of music, the other of poetry and...

It has begun…

I’m not at General Conference and I’m glad.   The thought of long hours in legislative committees followed by all the wrangling in debate  leaves...

Elders: Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth!

U.S. Army Capt. Cherise Neu, center, demonstrates how to properly check a horse’s teeth and health at a veterinary civic action project in Apia,...

Seven Ministry Convictions, part 3

By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent In the last several Inland Steeples (part 1, part 2), I've been sharing a conversation I had with...

Pacific Island Methodists of the Northwest meet in Seattle

Pacific Islander leadership met at First Tongan UMC with support from the district, Conference, and greater UMC. Small groups focused on identity, empowerment, and...

Moving beyond the trauma and dysfunction

By Bishop Jack M. Tuell  Has the General Conference become dysfunctional? Many outside observers, watching almost 1,000 delegates struggle in a cavernous, dimly lit hall...

Sermon Text: “Bringing Justice to Victory”

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson preaching at the Memorial Communion / Opening Worship of the Western Jurisdictional Conference at First United Methodist Church of San...


Twitter account, Check. Facebook account, Check. General Conference iPhone App, Check. Looks like I am ready for General Conference 2012, or #gc2012 for all you...

What are we called to do? What’s next?

By Amory Peck | Photo by the Rev. David V. Valera I spent several days thinking and praying about the latest edition of Channels. During...

Be Not Afraid!

Against all logic and my own better judgment, I’ve been a little obsessed with General Conference this time around.  I’ve read a rather unhealthy...