
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Historic Civil Rights Voices Still Speak on Faith-Based Website

Visit "The historical religion programs in this collection came from the archives, library shelves, and back rooms of many organizations. Faith groups represented...

Rethinking Metrics in the Life of the Church

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Humor me for a minute. What if we rethink metrics? Before I start let’s name metrics...

Orchards and Salmon Creek UMCs: VIMs in Mexico

Building Houses for Christ: VIM Trip to Mexico | By The Rev. Kathy Neary LET’S BUILD HOUSES! From March 30 - April 6, six people from...

Mission u: What are the connections?

Scenes from Mission u.  If you are interested in attending, contact By Joan Hackett Mission u, an annual mission event at Central Washington University, welcomed many...

Whom Shall I Send?

By the Rev. Dennis Paschke Tacoma churches endure heat, exhaustion, and emotional strain during mission…but discover purpose and holiness in serving those with greater needs. Last...

Guaranteed Appointments: Speaking from the heart

I've been looking at The Call to Action documents for over a year and conversations about this from my United Methodist Polity class...

A Service of Hope

The Rev. Patricia Simpson, Superintendent for the Seattle District of the Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church, delivers words of encouragement at...

Missions Need a Ministry: Why Full Time Campus Ministry Matters

In the wake of a struggle to save the Maryland Wesley Foundation, the Rev. Mark Schaefer, United Methodist campus minister/ chaplain at American University...

An Open Letter from an Open Lesbian

Amory Peck addresses the 2012 General Conference in Tampa, Florida at part of the Laity Address. Photo by PNW Director of Connectional Minsitries, Rev....

Nurturing Elders: Prodigal Summer Memories

By the Rev. Paul Graves One of my favorite Biblical stories for decades has been The Prodigal Son parable. For a variety of reasons it...