
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Observing “Extravagant Hospitality” @ WJC

My First Impressions @ #wjumc | By Jesse N. Love Follow @channels_pnwumc on, hashtag: #wjumc San Diego is beautiful. Palm trees are everywhere. Warm sunshine...

Nurturing Elders: What do we do with our FEAR?

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.  Learn more about the image, here. By the Rev. Paul Graves On November 8, we all have a chance to vote...

Rethinking Metrics in the Life of the Church

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry Humor me for a minute. What if we rethink metrics? Before I start let’s name metrics...

I’m thankful…Can I get a witness?

"We then all come together in the checkout line to pay for everything on one bill. You can imagine the eyesore and the traffic...

The Change the World Movement at #pnwac13

The Change the World Movement at #pnwac13 By Jesse N. Love Methodists had a great opportunity to be involved in the Wenatchee community as members participated...

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall

Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires:  Hope is a bright pink wall By...

How is our time of waiting still active and alive?

By Bailey Brawner | Cover photo courtesy of Wikipedia What does it mean to wait for this new thing? Where can we find life in...

Are you breaking up with me?

Hello it's me, your church building. I'm writing to you today to try to clear the air. To be honest, I'm not sure that...

Dear Dr. King, have OUR dreams been deferred?

This week, as we lead up to the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., several writers and friends from the PNW...