
Articles by lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference representing the specific viewpoints of the author and not necessarily the position of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.

Getting Grilled about God

By Scott Rosekrans | Pastor, Port Hadlock Community UMC Yesterday after our outdoor service we had a joint church picnic on the grounds. As I was cooking the hotdogs...

Chasity at Interfaith Advocacy Day

Chasity Jones, a global mission fellow, assists Audra Hudson (another GMF, serving at Tacoma Community House) at Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day early...

Confessions of a first-year seminarian

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Confessions of a first-year seminarian By Bailey Brawner During my first “Introduction to Christian Traditions” class, our professor began asking us questions, as...

Musings: Meeting Needs in the Midst of Disaster

Last summer, Aaron Pazan visited the Philippines for the Global Young People’s Convocation and Legislative Assembly serving as a young adult representative for the Western...

Up from the Ashes: Funding achieved for the FINAL phase of recovery

By Gerri Harvill, Stan Norman, and Jim Truitt Photos by PNW UMVIM, et. al. "Thanks to generous donations and strong partnerships, funding for the final phase...

Commentary: The Pastor as Prude

2013 Academy Awards host Seth McFarlane. Photo courtesy of Disney ABD Television Group; Creative Commons License. Commentary by Rev. Melvin Woodworth* I don’t think I’m unduly...

Musings: Love Notes (or Marriage is Like Chopsticks)

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Love Notes By Jesse N. Love I have been thinking a lot about love, lately - the romantic, lovey-dovey kind. Much of my...

The Holy Week Holiday You’re Not Celebrating… Yet

Your plans are ready for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. But have you prepared for Table Turning Monday? Table Turning Monday...

Question: Should our church use a legal disclaimer on our emails?

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications and Young People's Ministries Rev. Earl D. Lane emailed me yesterday with a question: Are most churches putting legal signatures at...

What’s So Scary About Bread?

By Rev. Jenny Phillips | Minister for Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy "I can’t make bread--it’s too scary.” This is what a colleague said to me...