Burnout, Part Two

Rev. Lisa Talbott continues an important three-part series on burnout for the PNW Clergy Wellness blog. In this part, Lisa shares how burnout manifested, naming the "stall indicators" she encountered.

Burnout, Part One

Growing up in Alaska, Rev. Lisa Talbott learned how to fly before she learned how to drive. One of the most important flying lessons she received provides insight into a professional challenge she recently encountered. Burnout.

Compassion Fatigue

By Rev. Joy Martin, ordained deacon Imagine my surprise when an accomplished organizational development author and speaker once told me, "Your problem is that you...

Clergy Health – A Coach’s Perspective

By Daniel Flahiff | Personal Trainer Have you struggled with weight gain, strength loss, low energy levels and depression? I have. It’s the true ‘State of the...

The Marriage Crisis

By Sue Magrath, MC Many clergy have shared issues on this page that require a great deal of courage and vulnerability, revealing struggles with depression,...

Clergy Wellness Directory Released, Survey Coming Soon

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries The clergy wellness task force has been working for the last several months to put together a “Helping Professionals Directory” for...

New Eyes

The Rev. Katy Shedlock has taken on bike commuting along with a new appointment to start a church in Spokane, Washington. Describing it as a "surprising means of grace," biking to work has helped her to feel grounded and see her community in new ways.

Distractions and Disruptions

"Some people strive for a “work-life balance.” I’m not sure it exists... Accepting that as a reality is a big help." Rev. Debbie Sperry offers some wisdom earned the hard way in the latest post on the Clergy Wellness blog.

The Practice of Lovingkindness Meditation

In the first installment of the Clergy Wellness Corner of the new year, pastoral counselor and #UMC deacon Denise McGuiness shares a meditative practice called Lovingkindness. She writes that "this practice has been a life changer for me, especially in the current state of the world that is full of divisiveness and hate."

For Those With Depression in the Church: There Is Hope

"I’m not ashamed of my illness. But I am still grappling with what it means to work within a church culture that exacerbates the very illnesses we are called to help heal." The Rev. Meredith Dodd shares from her experience with mental illness, the support that has worked, and a challenge for us all to recognize what we can do to transform the Church to better express God's love and concern.