The Blessing of Friends Outside of Ministry

The Rev. Cheryl Fear speaks to the importance for pastors of cultivating relationships outside the Church. "Friends who are not involved in ministry will help you maintain your emotional balance, stretch your heart," she says, and they can also "help diminish the occupational loneliness that comes with the calling."

Tidal Waves

"What do we do when anything we can do seems like sticking our finger into in the dike in an attempt to fend off a tidal wave?", asks Sue Magrath reflecting on the surge in victims/survivors of sexual assault who are sharing their stories, some for the first time. She shares that clergy should prepare themselves to be present to listen to those who have been harmed, to advocate so that they are heard, and to fight for sweeping societal change for a better tomorrow.

Burnout, Part Two

Rev. Lisa Talbott continues an important three-part series on burnout for the PNW Clergy Wellness blog. In this part, Lisa shares how burnout manifested, naming the "stall indicators" she encountered.


By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries We all have it—that area of vulnerability, the Achilles heel which we hope will never catch up with us. But it...

Creative Arts as Spiritual Practice

In a post for the Clergy Wellness blog, Rev. Dr. Denise McGuiness writes that many of us "spend most of their time living in their heads." This may be even more true for clergy. McGuiness points to art as an excellent outlet and way to access our creativity.

Holding Each Other Up

In her post for the Clergy Wellness Corner, Rev. Lara Bolger talks about the importance of finding support for the hard work of ministry. Especially "during this tumultuous time in the life of our denomination," she argues that clergy "can really hold each other up."

Dare to Be Vulnerable

In the latest column for the Clergy Wellness Corner, Sue Magrath discusses some of the provocations of Brene’ Brown's work on vulnerability, the blessings it can offer to us, and the interesting challenges it can raise for clergy persons.

New Eyes

The Rev. Katy Shedlock has taken on bike commuting along with a new appointment to start a church in Spokane, Washington. Describing it as a "surprising means of grace," biking to work has helped her to feel grounded and see her community in new ways.

The Marriage Crisis

By Sue Magrath, MC Many clergy have shared issues on this page that require a great deal of courage and vulnerability, revealing struggles with depression,...

Clergy Wellness Corner: Avoiding Burnout

By Rev. John J. Shaffer As I reflect on my 51 years in ministry, I am aware that ministry, for the most part, remained fun...