Clergy Wellness Corner: Why Struggle Alone?

Welcome to the Clergy Wellness Corner! You are reading the first monthly column of the Clergy Wellness Corner where we'll emphasize different aspects of health and wellness...

Clergy Wellness Corner: Seeking Support

By the Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd | Langley UMC When I was appointed as pastor of a church in Seattle a few years ago, I was informed...

Love—The Only Way

The Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown offers her insights on the unique challenges faced by queer clergy in The United Methodist Church when it comes to wellness. She speaks to the value of sacred community and love in providing necessary support.

Good News, Bad News: Clergy Wellness Survey Results

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries I want to personally thank all of you who took the time to respond to our survey. We ended up with...

Reverend Mom

By Rev. Debbie Sperry It was Christmas Eve, 7:00pm and time for the traditional service to start. The organist played and I walked down the...

Living Apart: A God Who Bears Our Burdens

By Sam & Christy Geyer* When I was appointed to serve as the pastor of White Salmon UMC, my wife Christy was not able to...

Everything You Wanted to Know About Anxiety But Were Afraid to Ask

Following a recent post by Rev. Austin Adkinson where he shared his own struggles with anxiety, Sun Magrath gives an overview of the general kinds people encounter. "Anxiety is not a sign of weakness," Magrath writes. "It is an understandable and treatable disorder that can be overcome..."

Clergy Wellness Corner: “Spiritual Drought”

By Sue Magrath | Sacred Mountain Ministries It’s been a long, hot summer. Even the western side of the state has had little or no rain in several...

Spiritual Direction as Spiritual Practice

"We spoke for over an hour and in that time she asked me what spiritual direction meant to me.  That’s when I said these words: “spiritual direction is a spiritual practice.”" In a post for the Clergy Wellness Corner, the Rev. Lara Bolger shares her experiences with spiritual direction and encourages colleagues to consider it as a spiritual practice of their own.

A Mindful Advent

For her latest wellness post, Sue Magrath intended to encourage clergy to "attend to their own spiritual Advent journey" but a call to serve as an interim lay person over the season is causing her to reevaluate and redevelop advice that is realistic.