Assembly: I am proud to be a United Methodist Woman!

Assembly: I am proud to be a United Methodist Woman! By Janjay Innis | Bread photo by Wikipedia Have you ever sat down in expectation of...

Together, we will get there (…and this is not a personal thing)

Marches for Ebola virus awareness and for the response to the death of Michael Brown. Together, we will get there (…and this is not...

Jamaa Letu: former residents graduate, embrace career opportunities

  By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photo courtesy of Jamaa Letu Orphanages Former residents of the Jamaa Letu Orphanages graduated recently from universities. This brings the...

At-One-Ment with the Children

By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Fabrice Florin/Wikipedia, As it happened, I was sitting in front of the TV as the...

Advent Resources from The Regional Media Center

On the Shelf By Ellen Johanson Advent Resources By the time you read this, Advent will be right around the corner...but in the world of resource centers,...

Elders: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

Portrait of artist Henry Moore, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Nurturing Elders and Others: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of...

Wallingford UMC: Opening Borders to the Spirit

The Rev. Ann Berney walks along the border wall between El Paso and Juárez.  A team from Seattle: Wallingford United Methodist Church visited this...

How can we nurture future leaders in their spiritual calling?

By Jesse N. Love | Photos by Pastor Dione Corsilles, the Rev. Elmar de Ocera, and Aaron Pazan Also read: “Exploration Event Guides Young Adults...

Holy Interruptions: Mission Experiences for Youth

Young people from Tibbetts UMC (Seattle, Wash.) participated in L.A.S.T. (Learning and Serving Together). Holy Interruptions Mission Experiences for Youth By The Rev. Jeff Lowery “Holy interruption...

Frank Schaefer: To Err on the Side of Love

Frank Schaefer: To Err on the Side of Love By Amy Pazan On the weekend of March 29, defrocked pastor Frank Schaefer visited the Seattle Area...