My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2015!

Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2015! By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Local United Methodist churches of the Pacific Northwest Conference... are invited to support the orphanages of Jamaa Letu...

UMCOR: No ‘Small’ Disasters in the PNW

No ‘Small’ Disasters in the PNW | By Susan Kim • Photos by Wikipedia and Sierra Gormley A disaster is never small to those in...

Become a 5 Columns of Mission Church, NOW!

Become a 5 Columns of Mission Church, NOW! By Joan Hackett Will your church be a 5 Columns of Mission Church in 2014? There is...

5 Columns of Mission: Mission u & Giving to the Advance

Mission u 2013 was held at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. The 5 Columns of Mission: Attend Mission u in 2013 Support a missionary with a Covenant...

Pastor Earl Lane Welcomes American Red Cross to Pateros Community Church

Pastor Earl Lane talks with Red Cross disaster worker Lloyd Ziel in his office at the Pateros Community Church. Photo by Robert W....

RMC Resources: A Time for…RENEWAL!

The New Year always brings new ideas, new goals, and new needs in ministry to the forefront of our lives. We are given opportunities...

Transforming Ministries II Conference

(Clockwise from the top) Young clergy from the PNW and beyond participated in Transforming Ministries II in Des Moines, Wash.; Bishop Hagiya lays out...

CI-PNW continues developing ethnic leadership

Christmas Institute: CI continues developing ethnic leadership within the PNW By Faith Sairez and Yvonne Agduyeng CI in the PNW Christmas Institute (CI) in the Pacific Northwest...

Elders: Walls Hide Our Real Identities

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Learn more about this image, here. Nurturing Elders: Walls Hide Our Real Identities By the Rev. Paul Graves “We learned that to...