Community-building and discipling for God’s New Generation

Community-building and discipling for God’s New Generation By Pastors Alex & Sally Perez The husband & wife team of Alex and Sally Perez share how their...

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2015!

Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2015! By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Local United Methodist churches of the Pacific Northwest Conference... are invited to support the orphanages of Jamaa Letu...

UMCOR: No ‘Small’ Disasters in the PNW

No ‘Small’ Disasters in the PNW | By Susan Kim • Photos by Wikipedia and Sierra Gormley A disaster is never small to those in...

Become a 5 Columns of Mission Church, NOW!

Become a 5 Columns of Mission Church, NOW! By Joan Hackett Will your church be a 5 Columns of Mission Church in 2014? There is...

5 Columns of Mission: Mission u & Giving to the Advance

Mission u 2013 was held at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. The 5 Columns of Mission: Attend Mission u in 2013 Support a missionary with a Covenant...

Assembly: Celebrating connection and future leadership to “Make It Happen”!

Celebrating connection and future leadership to "Make It Happen"! By Janjay Innis I love that our church is a global connectional church. Gatherings, such as Assembly, give...

An Open Letter to White Clergy in the Midst of Protests

Colin Cushman (far right) stands with clergy in Ferguson, Mo. protestingthe shooting death of Michael Brown by police officer, Darren Wilson. An Open Letter to...

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice

Guidelines for Accompaniment on the Journey to Racial Justice By Janjay Innis | Photos by Yvonne Agduyeng Janjay Innis is a Global Mission Fellow and serves...

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith

How CONVO 2016 deepened my faith By Falisha Hola | Photos by Patrick Scriven, et. al. CONVO 2016 was an amazing experience and also a success....