Elders: When Jesus is the Question!?

Nurturing Elders and Others: When Jesus is the Question!? By The Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons In a recent interview on National Public...

An Intentional Time: Mission u Convergence

An Intentional Time: Mission u Convergence By Courtney Pazan A warm afternoon was spent on the deck of Totem at Camp Indianola, reading aloud to senior...

Mission u: Course studies enrich, challenge attendees

(Top) Choir performs a song in-between learning sessions. (Bottom left) A drama session on disabilities. (Bottom right) Special music at Mission u. Mission u: Course studies...

Together, we will get there (…and this is not a personal thing)

Marches for Ebola virus awareness and for the response to the death of Michael Brown. Together, we will get there (…and this is not...

Musings: Prisoners are Children of God

A southern chain gang, between 1900 and 1906. Photo by Detroit Publishing Co./Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons. Musings & Younger Perspectives: Prisoners are Children of God By Colin Cushman Our...

UMVIM: Seeking Help with Historic Okanogan UMC

(Left) Okanogan United Methodist Church (photo courtesy of Joe Mabel/Wikimedia Commons) and (Right) an example of tuckpointing (photo by David Hawgood, Wikimedia Commons). PNW Volunteers...

Earth, Wind & Fire: Band or Disaster Response Season?

(Left) A view from a Washington Army National Guard helicopter shows the aftermath of the mudslide more than a week after it occurred in...

Jamaa Letu News: A new video, support for “Jars”, and a new website

Jamaa Letu News By Barbara Dadd Shaffer New Video Available A new 3-minute video debuted at this year’s Annual Conference and is available for use by local...

God is Everywhere: A Lazy F Day of Prayer

God is Everywhere: A Lazy F Day of Prayer By Cathy Raymond The Lazy F Day of Prayer was organized as a way to support the year-around...

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...