Kids at Salmon Creek Dress Up Their Pastor for Imagine No Malaria

Kids at Salmon Creek Dress Up Their Pastor for Imagine No Malaria By Julia Frisbie Ephesians 6:13-17 13 Therefore, pick up the full armor of God so...

Partnering Together to Rebuild & Restore Okanogan County (VIDEO)

About 40 representatives from faith-based and non-governmental organizations met at the Pateros Fire Station in February 2015. They discussed individual casework/projects, committing financial and...

Welcome Bailey Brawner, Tuell Center Intern for the PNWUMC!

Hello! My name is Bailey Brawner, and I’m so excited to be serving as the Tuell Center intern this spring. I was born and...

Traveling mercies for UMC young people visiting the Philippines #gypc14

Amy Pazan, Jesse Love, Amanda Tobey, and Teri Tobey will attend the Global Young People's Convo in Tagaytay, Philippines. Traveling mercies for UMC young people...

Pacific Island Methodists of the Northwest meet in Seattle

Pacific Islander leadership met at First Tongan UMC with support from the district, Conference, and greater UMC. Small groups focused on identity, empowerment, and...

Help support Jamaa Letu! #jarsforjamaaletu

Jars For Jamaa Letu By Barbara Dadd Shaffer The “Jars” campaign is an annual collection taken between Easter and Annual Conference to support the two Jamaa...

Advent Resources from The Regional Media Center

On the Shelf By Ellen Johanson Advent Resources By the time you read this, Advent will be right around the corner...but in the world of resource centers,...

In Relationship: Caring for OUR children in the Congo

By Jesse N. Love May 17, 2016 | Portland, Ore. A young woman who is wearing beautiful garb from Africa graces the stage. Wiping tears from...

How has deep listening and transformational change affirmed our mission?

By Pastor Lyn Rush Lyn Rush serves Pinoy Van-Port Ministries in Vancouver, Wash. This new church start serves Filipino Americans and immigrants with a keen...

Why We Still March!

Why We Still March! By the Rev. Steve Baber Photos courtesy of The National Archives and Records Administration, et. al. As a young child growing up in...